🇺🇸 Lene Kottal Professional Genealogy Contact Lene Kottal

Danish Genealogy & Family History Research

Professional Genealogist Lene Dræby Kottal offers a variety of services within Danish genealogy and family history research. Below are some examples of possible research projects.

Research is completed against payment of an hourly fee. You and Lene agree on the maximum number of hours in advance, so you know the cost of the research. For the hourly fee, please see the FAQ.

Ancestors, Descendants, and Family History Books

Lene Dræby Kottal offers assistance in tracing Danish ancestors and descendants. The research can culminate in compilation of a detailed family history book. It may be possible to identify living relatives in Denmark.

Before ordering a research project, it is best to carefully consider various aspects of the project to ensure that the work lives up to your expectations. Lene will guide you through the process.

Transcription and Translation of Danish Sources

Lene Dræby Kottal offers transcription and translation of Danish sources, including parish registers, census records, and probate records, to help you overcome language barriers in your Danish family history research.

Lene is a skilled transcriber of both Gothic script and cursive. Additionally, Lene provides translations from Danish to English of all types of genealogical and historical sources.

Location of Ancestral Places in Denmark

Lene Dræby Kottal offers to research the locations where your Danish ancestors lived, studied, worked, and worshipped.

Knowledge of ancestral places can enrich your understanding of your Danish family history. The research lays the grounds for a family history book that not only provides an account of names and dates, but also insight into your ancestors' living conditions.

If you are planning a visit to Denmark, having addresses of ancestral places of residence, work, etc. can personalize your trip. Imagine visiting the farm where your Danish immigrant ancestor grew up!

Family History Research Consultancy

Research consultancy is a good choice if you can do some of the research yourself, but need help with minor tasks every now and then. It is a flexible service where you prepay a minimum of ten hours and ask for help with minor tasks when needed.

Tasks could include translations, transcriptions, understanding records, identifying specific records, or other tasks that can be completed within the authorized time.

No minimum time per task is required. Lene Dræby Kottal tracks the time spent on each task to the minute. After completion of the task, she informs you of how much time remains for other tasks.

Customized Research Project

Does your research question not fit into the above examples? Perhaps you have hit a brick wall in your research and need help with that specific issue? Or maybe you need a copy of one specific record from a Danish archive or library?

Lene Dræby Kottal can help with a wide variety of tasks, so do not hesitate to contact her. Whether you need help identifying ancestors, solving a brick wall issue, or something else, the research project is customized to your wishes.